American Airlines/American Eagle

American Airlines/American Eagle

Мнениеот lzibp » 23 Май 2008 19:33


Малко новини от мойта работа. Бях в отпуска 2 седмици и като се върнах прзидента беше ни пратил писмо което го слагам тук.

Published Especially for the Employees of American Eagle


May 21, 2008

Eagle and Executive Employees,

At today’s annual stockholder’s meeting, AMR announced its decision to make even deeper capacity cuts for the fourth quarter of this year than previously announced. The rapid growth in jet fuel prices, combined with the weakening economy, has created very difficult conditions for airlines in the United States.

The fuel price impact from January to March was up more than $660 million dollars for AMR compared to prices paid during the same period last year. As we all know, prices for jet fuel – as well as for gasoline – have increased even further in April and May. Although AA has raised prices several times and increased various customer fees, total revenues have not kept pace with expenses. AMR’s loss of $328 million during the first quarter was alarming and the continued increase in fuel prices and signs of economic softness are further cause for concern.

Under these conditions, many of AA’s and Eagle’s routes do not generate enough revenue to pay for variable expenses such as fuel, landing fees, taxes and the salaries of our crews and other operational personnel. As a result of these facts, and to ensure that AMR has enough financial resources to weather this storm, it has decided to reduce its system-wide capacity.

While AA has not made final decisions on the specific schedule changes, it expects to cut 11 percent to 12 percent of fourth quarter domestic mainline capacity from 2007 levels and has directed Eagle to reduce our schedule by approximately the same percent. As a result of these reductions, American plans to retire 40 to 45 mainline aircraft and the regional network will be reduced by 35 to 40 regional jets, as well as some number of turbo-props.

Unfortunately these capacity reductions will result in layoffs at both American and American Eagle – and could result in facility closures or consolidations. As we get a better understanding of the new schedules and carefully evaluate our staffing requirements by work group and by location over the coming weeks, we will communicate specific changes as quickly as we can.

I am grateful for the excellent work Eagle’s people do. You are making a difference every day by ensuring that every trip and every job is performed safely, by caring for our customers and finding ways to complete our work efficiently under challenging conditions. I am confident that we will adapt to the changes announced today as well as to the outcome of the ongoing divestiture process and that Eagle will be one of the world’s safest, most reliable and successful regional airlines. Thank you for all your efforts.


Peter Bowler
President and CEO

Та с две думи до края на годината може и да съм без работа. Цената на горивото много им доиде на американските авиокомпаний. Реших да споделя с форума.
Мнения: 29
Регистриран на: 25 Дек 2007 08:19
Местоположение: Denver, CO (KDEN,LBPD)

Мнениеот makler » 23 Май 2008 22:02

Цитат от ... ysbusiness

Cheap flights boom over, says BA chief as oil hits new high

· Fears in US over shortages sends price to $135 a barrel
· Budget airlines face fight for survival, Walsh warns

* Dan Milmo in Houston
* The Guardian,
* Friday May 23 2008
* Article history

Britain's leading airline boss declared the era of cheap flights over yesterday as the price of oil hit a record high for the third day running.

Willie Walsh, the boss of British Airways, said the soaring cost of oil allied to global economic uncertainty would force airlines to raise fares in a scramble for survival that will see many of them go bust.

After a day of heavy trading oil rose to $135 a barrel as fears over supply shortages in the US sparked more buying. A year ago a barrel of oil cost just $65 but the price has risen relentlessly, driven by demand from developing countries and speculation on the world markets.

The soaring cost of fuel is also having a painful impact on the wider economy and brought renewed calls yesterday for the government to scrap rises in duty planned for the autumn as motorists face increasingly steep increases in the cost of filling their tanks.

The AA said drivers would pay more than £110m more on fuel over this weekend's bank holiday than over the same period last year. Average petrol prices have risen to 112.5p a litre while diesel costs an average 124.2p.

A day after the world's biggest carrier, American Airlines, announced huge cuts in routes and jobs because of the rising oil price, Walsh said budget airlines would have to increase fares and add-on charges such as baggage check-in fees and that many unprofitable companies would simply go bust. "The industry has no future if it does not price in its costs."

Asked if cheap fares for customers who book flights far in advance will disappear, he said: "My view is yes," before issuing a warning to low cost carriers Ryanair and easyJet, who rely on low ticket prices to pack out their aircraft.

His prediction will mean the end of a golden era for consumers who have become used to cheap flights to cities all over the globe and which has revolutionised the travel industry by putting hitherto unheralded destinations such as Jerez and Tallinn on the tourist map.

"If these prices are not available it will not encourage people to take short trips," said Walsh.

He added that many airlines would not survive a life-threatening combination of expensive fuel and a drop-off in demand as passenger numbers decline due to expensive fares and dwindling consumer confidence.

"This is about whether airlines can survive. If you look at a lot of the low-cost carriers around Europe, a lot of them have not been able to make money when oil was $80 per barrel," he said.

Despite announcing record profits last year, BA is expected to lose money over the next two years as its bottom line is wiped out by the oil price. Walsh confirmed that, as well as raising its fares, BA will cut thousands of flights this winter as its drops its least profitable routes and grounds its oldest, most fuel-thirsty planes.

The BA chief executive also refused to rule out another hike in fuel surcharges, which are levied on customers to cover the rising cost of oil and already add £158 to the cost of long-haul return flights. "It could be [a rise in] fares, it could be surcharges. Or it could be a combination of both," he said.

Fuel accounts for around a third of airline budgets and its escalating price is forcing airlines to pass on the cost to consumers because they are running out of overheads to slash in their own businesses.

The cost of fuelling a transatlantic flight, the most profitable part of BA's business, has quadrupled since 2000 to $44,000 (£22,200).

EasyJet admitted this month that its costs had risen by £4 per customer due to higher fuel prices - an increase that it is struggling not to pass on in fare increases.

Budget airlines led by Ryanair and easyJet are mitigating the increase by charging higher fees for checking in bags and priority boarding passes. Their business models are predicated on packing their planes with passengers through very cheap fares and then generating extra profits through charging those customers for add-ons such as baggage check-ins and car hire deals.

Analysts have warned that high fuel costs spell the end of the cheap flights boom, which has taken Ryanair from a provincial carrier to the world's most profitable airline, but is now under threat due to fares pressure and falling disposable income.

"All we have done is factored in the oil price. We have not even factored in a consumer slowdown yet. The real problem is the price sensitive consumer. What happens to them when they push their prices up," said Andrew Fitchie, analyst at stockbroker Collins Stewart.

An easyJet spokesman said fares would be kept low in the short term because there were too many European budget carriers. However, many of those airlines would go bankrupt over the next year, allowing the likes of easyJet and Ryanair to raise fares in order to accommodate fuel costs.

:( :( :( :( :(
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Регистриран на: 20 Фев 2006 00:01

Мнениеот Делян » 23 Май 2008 22:53

много неща се променят заради тези високи цени на нефта.....
значи АА направo си казват, че ще намаляват регионалната флота с 35 to 40 машини....
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Мнения: 4711
Регистриран на: 07 Яну 2004 21:27
Местоположение: KBDR, Igor I Sikorsky Memorial Airport, Bridgeport, Connecticut, USA

Мнениеот lzibp » 24 Май 2008 02:44

Ами за сега това казват но нищо повече. Ще видим какво ще стане.
Мнения: 29
Регистриран на: 25 Дек 2007 08:19
Местоположение: Denver, CO (KDEN,LBPD)

Мнениеот Георги Николов » 09 Яну 2009 11:02

В съответствие с плановете „American Airlines“ е приземила за последните 3 дни седем MD-82: N127AN, N246AA, N287AA, N410AA, N416AA, N415AA и N411AA
Георги Николов
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Мнения: 1644
Регистриран на: 12 Яну 2008 15:50

Re: American Airlines/American Eagle

Мнениеот akair » 07 Фев 2013 11:50

Да извадим една позабравена тема от гардероба, която е малко далечна на злободневните дискусии :D
Няколко медии, включително WSJ, са публикували материали относно обявяване на сливането на US Airways и AA, което се очаква да се случи в началото на следващата седмица.
Означава ли това, че US ще се загуби като марка? Стар Алайънс ще загуби 1 член? А може би OW ще се раздели с един от основополагащите си членове... :D
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Мнения: 1204
Регистриран на: 16 Авг 2009 18:50

Re: American Airlines/American Eagle

Мнениеот Pilot737 » 07 Фев 2013 17:12

Имаше спекулации, че сливането ще бъде обявено при презентацията на новата им цветова схема на церемонията в Далас, но явно са го отложили.
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Регистриран на: 20 Сеп 2005 21:32
Местоположение: София

Re: American Airlines/American Eagle

Мнениеот akair » 08 Фев 2013 02:13

Това е може би едно от най-обсъжданите сливания отвъд Атлантика :D Интересно е, че новата ливерия на АА по някакъв начин напомня тази на US Airways - със стилизирания флаг...
Подобно сливане би било сериозно предизвикателство, тъй като едната компания залага основно на европейски самолети (Airbus), а другата - на щатски (Boeing)... :D
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Мнения: 1204
Регистриран на: 16 Авг 2009 18:50

Re: American Airlines/American Eagle

Мнениеот Делян » 09 Фев 2013 02:54

Според новините тук сливането ще бъде обявено официално другата седмица.

Новото лого изглежда добре според мен.....

Изображение ... 00er.html/
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Мнения: 4711
Регистриран на: 07 Яну 2004 21:27
Местоположение: KBDR, Igor I Sikorsky Memorial Airport, Bridgeport, Connecticut, USA

Re: American Airlines/American Eagle

Мнениеот Делян » 14 Фев 2013 15:18

Вече официално American Airlines и US Airways се сливат като новата компания ще се казва American Airlines и ще е най-голямата в света.....

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Мнения: 4711
Регистриран на: 07 Яну 2004 21:27
Местоположение: KBDR, Igor I Sikorsky Memorial Airport, Bridgeport, Connecticut, USA

Re: American Airlines/American Eagle

Мнениеот akair » 15 Фев 2013 02:07

Сега стана интересно :D
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Мнения: 1204
Регистриран на: 16 Авг 2009 18:50

Re: American Airlines/American Eagle

Мнениеот niki_m » 10 Мар 2014 23:33

American Airlines продаде слотове за 425 млн. долара

Най-голямата авиокомпания в света Американ еърлайнс груп (American Airlines Group) привлича "безпрецедентните" 425 милиона долара от продажбата на слотове за излитане и кацане на нюйоркското летище Лагуардия и националното летище Рейгън край Вашингтон, съобщиха Асошиейтед прес и ДПА.

Бившите Ю Ес еъруейз и Американ еърлайнс (American Airlines), които се сляха в края на миналата година, създавайки най-голямата авиокомпания в света, бяха принудени да се лишат от най-малко 138 летищни слотове, за да бъде спряно атнимонополно разследване срещу тях.

Освен това днес бе съобщено, че Американ еърлайнс (American Airlines) и ДжетБлу еъруейз (JetBlue Airways Corp.) слагат край на споразумение, което позволяваше на пътниците им да се прекачват по даден маршрут, използвайки услугите и на двете авиокомпани.

Прекратяването на споразумението е в сила от днес.

Също така от 1 април пасажерите вече няма да могат печелят мили или точки, когато пътуват по съответен маршрут на другата авиокомпания. ... f=substory
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Регистриран на: 22 Апр 2010 23:08
Местоположение: Burgas

Re: American Airlines/American Eagle

Мнениеот epetkov » 04 Сеп 2015 20:59

На 17-ти октомври ще се извърши последният полет на US Airways .Символично номерът на полета ще бъде 1939- годината на основаването на авиокомпанията. Източник травел.ру
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Регистриран на: 15 Апр 2010 21:33
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Re: American Airlines/American Eagle

Мнениеот epetkov » 04 Фев 2017 20:49

American Airlines откриха офис в Куба
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Регистриран на: 15 Апр 2010 21:33
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Re: American Airlines/American Eagle

Мнениеот epetkov » 05 Май 2017 09:23

American Airlines ще намалят разстоянието между седалките до това на лоу-кост компаниите.
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Мнения: 884
Регистриран на: 15 Апр 2010 21:33
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