HQ Sofia

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HQ Sofia

Мнениеот Felle » 23 Май 2006 17:56

Went this afternoon to take some pictures of the preserved Mig-19P and the Laz-7 (if i not mistake) at the military school? in Sofia. Can anyone give me the real identity of the mig 19 because the red 01 seems to be fake? Also I would like to know what the identity of the Laz-7 is. Unfortunately I wasn't allowed to take picture of the mig-21 nr.223 :( :(
At the university of transport(?) there is also some part left of Antonov An-2 LZ-1008. It is unfortunately preserved in a paintball part of the school and this was closed at that moment :-(
Also went to the National Army History Museum but... it was closed :( :(
Decided to drive to LBSF to spot something but it is not really easy to find good spot there, the gipsy part looks rather unsafe (but the best spotting area I think) and at the other side of the airfield you're quite far from the landing...but probably you guys know better, let me know!! Thanks for helping with the info.

Мнения: 19
Регистриран на: 22 Апр 2006 20:26
Местоположение: Antwerp, Belgium

Мнениеот harrier » 23 Май 2006 20:57

Felle, check your mail in an hour. I will send you some info about the spotting at LBSF and the Open Day at Graf Ignatievo and Bezmer :wink:
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